19:37:14 <zephyrtronium> Economic analyses of climatic legislation tend to demonstrate a negative impact on economic growth and costs, despite practical evidence to the contrary. This discrepancy may result from certain assumptions by economists, especially that people act rationally from an economic stand. Specific fallacies of climate economics include our already "economically optimal world," the impossibility of "win-win situations," and that "no one ever learns."
19:37:26 * zephyrtronium used biiiiiig words! :la:
19:39:59 <kalany> zephyrtronium: You might try adding something like "certain erroneous assumptions", to underscore the point that the incorrect conclusions are drawn from incorrect premises rather than incorrect models.
19:41:34 <zephyrtronium> kalany: too late, i wrote in pen :(
19:41:39 <zephyrtronium> thanks for the advice though
19:41:39 <kalany> zephyrtronium: Also, usually in the world of logic I move in, a fallacy is an error in reasoning rather than an error in... oh well.
19:42:02 <zephyrtronium> and "fallacies" was the word the article i was summarizing used
19:42:34 <kalany> zephyrtronium: Now I'm curious. What article are you summarizing?
19:42:49 <zephyrtronium> kalany: [link]
19:43:23 <zephyrtronium> "What was your reaction to the article? Is this beneficial or detrimental to you?" "The article made me laugh in places because it included funny things. This is beneficial to me because laughing has been shown to be healthy."
19:43:41 <zephyrtronium> somehow my response to the second question feels lacking after the first
19:43:55 <zephyrtronium> well, my response to the first question after the summary
19:49:03 <kalany> zephyrtronium: Interesting article.
19:49:37 <kalany> zephyrtronium: I think the problem can really be boiled down to something fairly simple, which is that "complex systems are difficult to explain to laypeople".
19:49:51 <zephyrtronium> kalany: most of it went over my head, which is why im using fancy language xD
19:50:03 <kalany> zephyrtronium: Oh. You want help with that part?
19:50:15 * kalany has a degree in this stuff. :paranoid:
19:50:47 <zephyrtronium> kalany: i should be good; i just need to give an estimate of how this issue could impact the national economy
19:51:06 <zephyrtronium> which is easy to make up since were not really expected to know it! :D
What's really depressing about this? This is a kid deliberately avoiding an opportunity to learn. It's a case of some teacher doing their best to assign work that'll make the kids actually think and learn, and the student turning it into useless makework.
It depresses me so much.