Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yarn and batts of the day

I've been working on developing my spinning and dyeing skills. Here's a few of my projects from the week:

  • "Black". This is what I get if I dye a small rovingbatt with black food coloring. It comes out this odd maroon-chocolate with blue spots where the red didn't fully penetrate.

  • Odd brown stuff. This was my first go at grey. It's sort of... not very grey. I have no idea what to do with it now. Handspun, for what it's worth.

  • Teal green. This was my first attempt at a dark green---and you can see how well that worked out... but it's a lovely teal. There isn't that much of it.

    This is also my own handspun; it's a larger yarn than I normally spin, although I'm hoping to develop my skills once my wheel comes.

  • Forest green. This was the second go at a dark green. Some parts of it are quite a lovely forest green; others verge more on brown. This was when I discovered just how much faster the less-spun bits take the red dye than the tighter-spun bits.

  • Teal sparkleyarn! I wanted to try spinning sparkly stuff into the yarn, so I cut some bits off this spool of sparkly... stuff... I have and tried drafting them in. It didn't work so well; the sparklestuff kept clumping and separating from the wool.

    It was totally fugly when it was undyed. Then I had left-over green and blue dye in the dyebath from the forest green experiment, so I tossed this in to see what would happen. It is shockingly beautiful. I'm going to have to try to repeat this deliberately, maybe with plying the sparklestuff in instead of trying to draft it in.

  • Other random rovingbatts. Mostly dyesoppers from previous experiments. No idea what I'll end up doing with them....

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