Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The end of an era, compressed

I just finished watching the last episode of Doctor Who's original run.

What'd it take me, about six months? But I watched every single episode out on region 1 DVD. All seven Doctors. All twenty-odd companions.

It's been a wild journey. From the cackling, teacher-napping Slytherin of the first Doctor, all the way to the short, vegetarian seventh. From the first sight of Daleks at home on Skaro, to the last mad laugh of the Master in a suburb of London.

I've found it fascinating watching the series grow up and mature. The Doctor is such a dynamic character---and not just because he regenerates. Watching, I can see experiences changing him. Picking up his first human companions because he daren't let them go, then discovering he misses them when they leave. Siding with the Thals because it's expedient, angering their enemies---a strange mutant race known as the Daleks. Frustrated by being stuck on earth with Unit---but asking Sarah twice. Watching him kidnap Ian and Barbara and try to dump them in the Ice Age, it's hard to imagine this will someday be the man who burnt up a star to say goodbye---but after all those episodes, I understand how he got there.

And I can't wait until more DVDs come out.

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