Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sweatervest is go for edging

I found the Ravenclaw sweatervest I'd been working on last year for Halloween.  I thought about pulling it all out, but I decided to finish it instead.  Being me, I was too lazy to look up patterns (and I hate using them anyway) so I grabbed a couple of sleeveless shirts of mine and used them as patterns.

It worked surprisingly well.  I ended up with two problems.  The first was a minor one, that I can't count, and so I ended up having to pull out and re-do one of the back straps twice.  No biggie.  The second... well, let's just say, it's very low-cut in front.

There's no edging on it yet, so it's not quite as bad as it might seem.  I'll probably end up putting at least an inch and possibly two inches in front, though, using short-row shaping, so that it's not quite as... skanky... as it looks now.

Trying to decide what to do about the fact that I have yet to get a stretchy bind-off to actually work for me.  I think I might use some sort of relatively innocuous crochet bind-off, maybe with picots or something.  I'm a girl, I can get away with a little lace, right?

I worked on it last evening and this morning (when I couldn't sleep) while watching Doctor Who, with the result that the Sontarans may always make me think of counting endless rows of stitches.  I'm not a big fan of the Sixth Doctor, I'm afraid.  He strikes me as rather an arse.  Peri is awfully whiny, but part of that is that they can't seem to find actual American actors (she's theoretically American, I think).  The rest... well, she is a Classic Who Companion.  Sigh.  Still, she doesn't deserve all the shit he gives her.  Seriously.  Nine treats Rose better, and he's a total arse to her.

Now: to pick up stitches for my neckline, or to sleep?  Hm....

[Edit] Also, I forgot to mention.  I successfully figured out how to do the Kitchener bind-off join with (a) combination knitting and (b) the thread tail on the other side from the usual directions.  I is proud of myself.  Quite proud.  Now that I understand how it works, I think it'll probably be easily.  Setting it up is still a bit of a pain, but hey.  That bit isn't hugely critical.

Basically all you're doing is making a row of knit stitches by sewing instead of by picking up loops.  The general motion is up through the bottom of row A, down through the top of row B, pull that stitch off.  Flip the row labels and repeat.  The advantage of understanding the methodology is that now I understand how to, for example, bind off purlwise.  Go me!

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